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      - Stone Seals

Termbase - K
115 Terms in Database
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N
O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Techniques - Uchinaguchi
Kagami Biraki鏡開きBreaking of Mochi or Opening a Mirror - 11 Jan
Kaiso開祖Founder of a martial arts style
Kake Uke掛け受けHooking/Hanging Block
Kakiwake Uke掻き分け受けDividing Apart Block
Keibo警棒Baton, Short Stick
Keikogi稽古着Training clothes
Keri Waza蹴り技Kicking Techniques
Kiba TaiきばたいHorse-riding Stance
Kigu Undo器具運動Training with Utensils/Tools/Equipment
Kihon Undo基本運動Basic Technique Exercise
Kobayashiryu小林流Small Forest style. Founded in 1929 by Chibana Choshin
Kosa Dachi交差立ちCrossing Stance. Foot crossing in front of other foot
KotowazaことわざJapanese Proverbs
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