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      - Term Database
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      - Stone Seals

Termbase - T
116 Terms in Database
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N
O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Techniques - Uchinaguchi
Tachi Waza立ち技Standing Techniques (Stances)
Tebineri Uke手捻り受けTwisting Hand Block
Tenbun天分One's nature; talents; destiny; mission; sphere of activity​
Tenketsu点穴Pressure Points, Vulnerable Body Cavities. (點穴 old kanji)
Tian Du Yuan Shuai田都元帅God of music, opera, and martial arts (busaganashi)
Tomoe Uke巴受けCircle Block, aka Mawashi Uke (回し受け) and Toraguchi Uke (虎口受け)
TsuboAcupuncture point; Moxibustion point; Pressure point
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