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Termbase - Techniques
116 Terms in Database
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N
O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Techniques - Uchinaguchi
 Tachi Waza (立ち技)
Bensoku Dachi弁足立ちCrossed Foot Stance. Foot steps behind front foot (found in Seipai)
Heiko Dachi平行立ちFeet Parallel Stance
Kosa Dachi交差立ちCrossing Stance. Foot crossing in front of other foot
Musubi Dachi結び立ちHeels together, toes out, stance
Nekoashi Dachi猫足立ちCat Foot Stance
Sanchin Dachi三戦立ちStance from Sanchin kata, also known as Sunadokei Dachi (砂時計立ち)
Shiko Dachi四股立ちFour Thighs Stance, sometimes Sumo Dachi (相撲立ち)
Shizen Dachi自然立ちNatural Stance, sometimes Moto Dachi (基立ち)
Zenkutsu Dachi前屈立ちForward Leaning Stance

 Uke Waza (受け技)
Chudan Uke中段受けMiddle Level Block
Doji Uke同時受けSimultaneous blocking - Chudan Uke and Gedan Uke
Gedan Barai下段払いLow Level Sweep/Clearing
Gedan Uke下段受けLow Level Block
Harai Uke払い受けSweeping/Clearing Block
Jodan Uke上段受けHigh Level Block
Kake Uke掛け受けHooking/Hanging Block
Kakiwake Uke掻き分け受けDividing Apart Block
Osae Uke抑え受けPressing/Pushing Block
Otoshi Uke落とし受けDropping Block
Rasen Uke螺旋受けSpiral Block
Soto Uke外受けOutside Block (Starts outside, ends outside)
Sukui Uke掬い受けScooping Block
Tebineri Uke手捻り受けTwisting Hand Block
Tomoe Uke巴受けCircle Block, aka Mawashi Uke (回し受け) and Toraguchi Uke (虎口受け)
Urakake Uke裏掛け受けInverted Hooking/Hanging Block
Wa Uke輪受けWheel/Ring Block

 Ateru Waza (当てる技)
Jun Tsuki順突きForward Thrust (Punch)

 Keri Waza (蹴り技)
Ashisaki Geri足先蹴りToe Kick - Index toe is on top of big toe
Furi Geri振り蹴りSwinging Kick
Mae Geri前蹴りFront Kick - 2 Variants Keage (蹴上げ) and Kekomi (蹴込)
Ushiro Geri後ろ蹴りBack Kick - Behind Kick
Yoko Geri横蹴りSide Kick - 2 Variants Keage (蹴上げ) and Kekomi (蹴込)
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